Our goal is to share the Word of God and minister Jesus Christ to you.  Jesus Christ is your hope.  He is the hope of the world sent by God the Father (Yahweh) because He so loved you and me.  It is faith in Him and the Word of God that moves His right arm of deliverance.  GOD does deliver the captives.  I was once a captive, but now I am free in Christ.  You can be to.  Contact us:

Email Jim Coldiron

You can contact James Coldiron a.k.a. FireStorm via the Voice of the Watchman Forum, or the Pathfinder Forum, or you may email me here, or if you are on facebook, then you may visit my page here.  I also have a Skype Adress which is:  voiceofthewatchman
 though Skype is not always up. 



Warriors of God Christian Forums


or something much more Evil?

Did you know that many UFO researchers are now hesitantly admitting that Alien Abduction experiences are HALTED COM-PLETELY when the victim calls out on the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, or even more so when they "PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST"!

Did you know that?

What does this tell us?  If you believe that you have been experiencing the abduction phenomena, then know this:  THERE IS HELP!  CONTACT US!

















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   1 out of 25 people in the United States of America believe that they have had some kind of abduction experience.  That is millions of people in the U.S.A. alone.  This is occurring world-wide.  In fact, some stories coming out of "back country" areas that is somewhat cut off from the rest of the world is sometimes more extreme.  These kinds of numbers are far above what you could get through some kind of shared fictional delusion because of our movies and television.  These are horrific, life-changing events and 100 years ago they would have been recognized for what they are, demonic.  The things that come out of the holes of light in your room are extradimensional and not so much extraterrestrial. 

   They have a demonic agenda, not a star race agenda.  They are not our saviors, but they are parasitic and evil.  And if you are a Christian and have faith, you can plead the blood of Jesus Christ and they will flee.  It happened with me when I was a 12 year old child.  It was what is described these days as a reptilian (I had never heard of abductions in 1975, and this thing radiated evil) that came out of a hole of light in center of my bedroom.  The room was pretty much wrecked actually by my efforts not to go with it by the time it was over, but "pleading the blood of Jesus Christ" stopped the abduction cold and forcibly pulled it off of me and threw it back through its portal.  They are demonic. 


   Some UFOLOGISTS have begun to admit that victims have reported abductions stopped cold when they pled the "blood of Jesus", and at least one book has been written that tells of that.  Many have been hesitant in admitting to this because it shows that ET has a demonic nature.  Some of the most well-respected researchers ended up believing or at least suspecting that they were demonic in nature.   JESUS is greater... much greater than any and all of these things!  It took me many years before I could really talk about this.  And only recently has the Lord shown me that there are people out there who are being, or have been injured by this very thing and it needs to be addressed.  In other words, the Lord has been dealing with me to quit ignoring that this happened to me, and to reach out to minister to those who have had the same thing happen to them. 


   Many in the church will brand me with even a worse name that I already have because I am publicly admitting it.  But it is true!  And it is a good testimony because Jesus delivered me and literally stopped this horrific thing from happening to me back in 1975.


   Does a thing not exist because it makes us uncomfortable to admit that it does?  Does it not exist because we stand on our laurels and declare that it is fiction or delusion?  Is it right to tell someone who has genuinely been attacked that they imagined it, much like my parents tried (they meant well, but couldn't bring themselves to believe it) with me even though I was scratched by it, and the room was a wreck where I fought going with it including things thrown across the room while they slept through it?  Is it right, just because we don't want to admit that something like this could be real, to say that "you just imagined or dreamed it?"  IS IT NOT THE CALL OF THE CHURCH TO MINISTER TO THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED BY THE DEVIL?  IS IT NOT THE CALL OF THE CHURCH TO MINISTER THE LOVE OF CHRIST THAT HEALS AND STAND IN THE GAP OF OTHERS WHO ARE HURTING?  IS IT NOT THE CALL OF THE CHURCH TO BE THE BODY OF CHRIST AND TO RESIST THE DEVIL STEADFASTLY?  IT IS!  Are we?


   The message these demonic false-ET's are promoting is the message of the Antichrist... basically the lie of the last days delusion.  The Devil is going to try and hijack the religions of this world and in this last days delusion, bring a one-world unification religion that will serve the DRAGON (Satan) through this coming Antichrist.  Many of these abductees are not only having genetic manipulation going on with them (there is usually a sexual aspect to it at some point of the abduction), but are given New Age messages that promotes the coming religion of the Antichrist as these forces claim him (one bit of truth there) as one of their own. 


   As far as the genetic manipulation, angel-human hybrids is something that is mentioned in the Bible, although traditionalists would like to ignore it or explain it away (which is being dishonest with God's Word).  There is sound biblical teaching that the sons of God (b'nai ha elohim - angels, originally the Watchers which were angels God sent to teach early man skills of life and society which fell themselves) lusted after human women and wanted sexual relations and offspring just as mankind had.  They were from another realm.  Most angels are huge (producing giant offspring), and some did not look very human (which is what gives us demonic spirits which look bizarre, and idols and legends that are in their form such as satyrs, etc.), but when they left their place and realm as that of messenger angels of God and rebelled, they created the nephilim.  The resulting evil nephilim (translated giants in some translations, and indeed many were huge because some of those first fallen angels who did this were huge) in the Days of Noah brought such evil and violence that it became necessary for God to wipe it out with a flood. 


   The line that only Noah and his family found favor has an interesting meaning when you consider the bloodlines of humanity was being corrupted with hybrid DNA.


This teaching was well understood by the Rabbis throughout Israel's history and also by the church.  You see the history of it in Genesis and the histories of the Kings and Samuel.  You find both Jude and Peter quoting the first book of Enoch which was passed down from a very long time ago, and mentioning these things in the New Testament.  The traditional church (as Pharisees and Saducees of any generation always do) will try to explain away or de-emphasize the parts that do not fit their tradition.  Sometimes they attack the very books of the Bible or parts of them in more extreme cases.  But the history and the Word of God - the truth is still there.


   And Jesus said, "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be..."  To me, this is one of the most disturbing predictions that Jesus made about the Last Days.  As bad as the connotation to immorality and greed that the reference as it was in the days of Lot is, I find this one particularly disturbing.  The one thing that distinguished the days of Noah was total depravity and violence because there was no human conscience left... humanity had been corrupted into these hybrids which many believe (some really good indications both biblically and especially in some apocryphal books as Baruch which was recently excluded from the Bible) that the souls of the nephilim are where at least some earth-bound demonic unclean spirits come from.  THEY WERE PURE EVIL IN A HUMAN-LIKE BODY. 


   They did not have to possess a human as demons do now, they had a hybrid body made for them.  And because they were the offspring of angels, they had some very inhuman traits and abilities.


   Fallen angels and demons are not the same entities.  Both are fallen and both are evil.  But demons are unclean spirits that seek out a host or body in which to inhabit.  Fallen angelic beings are more extradimensional in nature and have their own spiritual bodies which can walk through a wall or physically touch you in this dimensional realm.  Demons have force and personality and the strongest of them can move objects and cause physical harm, but they lack a bodyThey are like the souls of "something" that was never human and totally fallen/evil.  According to Jesus in the gospels, they seek the sensory experience of having a body again.  A physical body is like a house to them and they are like strongmen (warriors) who fight to gain control of human beings and inhabit them.  They tend to eat or live on a kind of spiritual energy from our sinful flesh - spiritual parasites.


Consider this: if demons or unclean spirits are created from the souls of nephilim, then these so-called alien abductions are a continuation of this evil program to corrupt the human race.  Many believe that hybrid children have been born.  Hollywood is working hard brainwashing you into believing that this is a good thing and that they are going to help bring us into a new age.  Actually, if this is still going on (Genesis 6 says it happened before and after the flood and Goliath among others after the flood were nephilim), then every new nephilim made is a new demon being born into the Earth.  That would mean new demons are being made in these hybrids with a handy body to inhabit for now. 


   There is good biblical evidence that the ones known in Revelation as the Antichrist (Beast) and the False Prophet are not truly human (or at least not wholly human).  They are cast alive in the Lake of Fire over 1000 years before the Devil or the Great White Throne Judgment where "all" of the human lost will be judged.  WHAT IF A PREPARED ARMY OF CONSCIENCE-FREE NEPHILIM ARE BEING PREPARED TO HELP THE RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST TAKE HOLD OF THE WORLD?  This is NOT the kind of new age that those being given this message believes is coming.  IT IS A PART OF THE LAST DAYS DELUSION AND PART OF THE ENDGAME FOR THIS AGE.





When I was a teenager, I fell into some serious spiritual darkness.  I had been raised in church, but had basically rejected the Christian lifestyle for a life of sin.  I was searching for love and truth in dark places that held "neither".  What I found was a demonic bondage that fought for dominance of my thoughts and life for 3 years.  For 3 years, I did not know who to turn to, or even  who would believe me if I told them the very bizarre and very real things going on in my life. 

But I had a praying family and they were praying for me.  Prayer makes a difference... it does!

I was 20 years old, and a living mess.  I hated myself and the world, and was getting to where I could not hide it any longer.  It had gotten to the point where alcohol or no other drug could numb me to my own emptiness and misery.  And added to that, I had been forced by my own experience to "admit" that demons were very real and were indeed in my own life.  I didn't know what to do.   I was attending the chapel services of the college I attended, but after talking to the Chaplain, I recognized that he had no clue of what was really wrong with me or what to do with me.

It took me humbling myself and admitting that I needed JESUS CHRIST in my life that did it.  I remember the prayer that I prayed behind the wheel of my 1978 Dodge Aspen R/T, with Pastor Hackler sitting next to me... "Lord, here I am... if you can do anything at all with me, I'm yours... forgive me... save me... come into my life in Jesus' name."

AND HE DID... NOT ONLY DID JESUS COME RADICALLY INTO MY LIFE, BUT THE DEMONIC FORCES WERE CAST OUT AND THEIR POWER FOREVER BROKEN OFF OF ME!  That was 1983, and I am still free by the power of Jesus Christ!  See, God is no respecter of persons... what He will do for one, He will do for another for He loves us all!  GOD LOVES YOU, AND WANTS TO HELP YOU... WHY DON'T YOU LET HIM?




Copyrighted © 2012 by James Dale Coldiron

Note on this material:  you have permission to copy and reproduce this material as long as the copyright notices and links are left in place, and there is no changing of the text.  As long as it is reproduced in whole and unchanged, permission is granted.


If you wish to use parts of this material in your own work, please contact me at webmaster@voiceofthewatchman.org to ask permission.





 Hope Jesus Christ God Father Holy Spirit deliverance casting demons demonic demon devil satan possession oppression haunting haunted evil good power angels angelic church exorcism satanic free liberty angelic overcoming church