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Changes!       The Tribulation Bible  Study Overview          
There have been so many changes in the world in such a short time.                         
What is happening?  Why is it happening?                   
What can we do?  What will the end of this be?


THE LAST DAYS or LATTER TIMES is an expression that is appropriate for these days that we live in.  I recognize that biblically, A thousand years is as a day to the Lord, and prophetically, from the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ until today, we have been living in the "Last Days", but something has changed in our generation, and indeed in the past few years, and instead of hiding our heads in the sand, maybe it would be wisdom to try and understand where we are and where we are going.

What is occurring in the Islamic World is lining it up to play its role in the Last Days Biblical Prophecy.  I am watching Libya now go into a radical change as it will take its role along side with Iran to appose Israel with Russia as their shield for the last days world war.  This is predicted in Ezekiel 38-39, and Revelation 6.  Ezekiel tells us the main players in this war, and if you look at it historically (without trying to shade their identities with someone's pet ideas, but just let these very historical places speak for themselves), you see an interesting picture of a war that will begin as an Islamic push into Israel (probably to force a Palestinian State), and it will explode into a world war between an Islamic East and the West.  God said that it will happen.  We are seeing it come together now.  1 Thessalonians tells us that the church is not in darkness as the world is that this time should take us unaware.  We can't know the day or the hour, but we KNOW right now that we are in that season. 

The world is changing quickly.  There truly is a greater change coming, but it won't be brought by the New Agers, or the money powers behind the political powers, or by force of finance or force of arms.  God is in control, and even though very great evils are about to be unleashed, at the end of this time, Jesus Christ is coming back to Planet Earth and He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  
Are you ready?
  If you are a Christian, are you ready for the coming Marriage Supper?  Are you ready when the trump of God to sound, and for the voice of the Archangel to call you to the Marriage of the Lamb of God?  Are you ready?  Or will you be one of the 5 Virgins (out of 10 of Matthew 25), who became lukewarm and let their oil run out?  Will you be left behind and the door shut on you?  Or will you rise to be with Jesus Christ and ever be with the Lord?  It is time to make yourselves ready NOW!  Jesus said to watch and to pray "always" that you may be worthy to escape all these things... are we ready?

In Matthew 25, the church is likened unto 10 Virgins, and half were ready and half were left behind.  All heard the call to come to the Marriage Supper (something Jesus shared with His disciples much during his time on Earth), but only half were truly ready to go.  The world was not even aware of the call to rise.  They are truly in darkness and it shall come upon them as a thief in the night.  But the church has been warned to prepare.  Half will, and half will not.  Most of the "true revival" within the church is happening in Third World Countries today.  In fact, there is a Great Revival among Muslims and Buddhists and others who have not before now had much exposure to the Gospel.  But God is giving visions and dreams about His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  And God is manifesting through His ministers in these countries (many times underground in lands where to become a Christian brings persecution and possible death), and thousands are giving their lives to God weekly.  So, much of the "half" of the church ready to go will be in these third world countries. 





Copyrighted © 2011 by James Dale Coldiron         
Voice of the Watchman Ministries