![Ezekiel's Islamic War](ezekiel38_files/image001.gif)
Ezkekiel 38 Lesson 1
Ezkekiel 38 Lesson 2
Ezkekiel 38 Lesson 3
Ezkekiel 38 Lesson 4
Ezkekiel 38 Lesson 5
Ezekiel 38: Part 1
- The Coming World War and Invasion of Israel in the Last Days.
Note on Versions used : Primary text will be in King James Version
because of its general acceptance. When needed, a literal Hebrew Interlinear
will be presented, and other translations will be posted for further clarity
when needed. The Hebrew Interlinear is a literal translation but reads roughly
as English and Hebrew have completely different grammatical structure.
Note: Ezekiel is full of very distinct and exacting prophecies about countries
and powers that did not exist as powers in his day but do today! We are seeing
the beginning of what will be that last days war come together even now.
Introduction: The vision that Ezekiel saw concerning this war occurred between
Ezekiel 37 which was the regathering and resurrection of the nation of Israel,
and chapter 40 and on, which has to do with the 1000 years of peace. This is a
last days prophecy that ties into the visions of John the Revelator. Ezekiel 37
is the Valley of Dry Bones and predicted that the nation of Israel would rise
again and become mighty in the last times... that God would gather them from the
extremes of the Earth and they would come together and become an army again.
This happened in 1948.
Many commentaries before 1948 tried to say that this is spiritually the church
and not the nation of Israel. Before 1948, the nation of Israel did not exist
anymore and had not existed for 1800 years. But let God be true and every man is
a liar... what God said "is".
We have seen in this generation this great prophecy come to pass. Now after the
regathering into a nation again, the war of Ezekiel 38 begins. This is where we
are in Bible Prophecy.
We are after the events of Ezekiel 37 (that happened in our generation), and the
war that is said to be in the Latter Times that corresponds to Revelation 6-8...
the 4 Riders of the Apocalypse.
1. This prophecy involves a great invasion of Israel in the latter days that
ties in with Revelation 6 and I show evidence that it will culminate in
Revelation 8 and then Armageddon.
I want you to think in terms of things we have seen in modern history...
Operation Desert Storm where the United Nations banded together to push back
Iraq, and modern intervention into countries’ affairs such as Israel over the
Palestinian problem.
The first Gulf War shows how the United Nations can use its forces to make a
coalition to use military might.
The Second Gulf War has alienated America from the United Nations in their
dealings in these matters by going off without their support. You will see
that the nations that come against Israel in this war are Islamic. Even
Russia who is the muscle behind them is quickly being transformed in the
southern regions into an Islamic nation.
This might help in understanding why the USA is out of the conflict it seems
until the challenge comes later. But you can see the markings of a United
Nations police action.
Ezekiel 38:1-2 “ 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of
Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,"
HEBREW LITERAL of Ezekiel 38:2 "Son of man, set your face
against Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal."
1. The prophet is commanded to speak against Gog... he is an interesting
character. Gog is the power behind these other countries. He is the main power
that gives the others power to invade and provides a cover for them. He gives
the main force of Magog to stand behind the weaker Islamic countries listed
Gog is first mentioned in 1 Chronicles 5:4 as a son of Reuben; and many times
the original people after Adam and after the flood of Noah is used to name the
people of the land that they established. And used with Magog shows Gog to be a
title rather than a name.
Gog is the prince or ruler of Magog. Ma-Gog in Hebrew literally means the land
of Gog. Magog was mentioned in Genesis 10:2 as a son of Japheth who settled
certain lands. What lands did he settle since this is the place that is spoken
of here?
2. Prince is the Hebrew word Nasi which means an exalted one. It can be a ruler,
a king, a leader, or one who has political power over someone. The ruler of a
nation or people.
Historical Evidence: Josephus and many other ancient authorities place Magog as
the Scythians - north of the borders of the Azov Sean in the Caucasian Mountains
between the Black and the Caspian Seas northward. They were the very most
northern tribe of barbarians.
According to John Gill’s
Expositor, “ where the Samaritan and Septuagint versions read Gog: it is the
same with Arabic, "Jagog", by which name the Arabians called the Scythians.
Geographical Location of Magog: Look on the map, the
country that is north of the Azov Sea in between the Black and the Caspian Seas
which include and is north of the Caucasian Mountains is now known as the modern
day country RUSSIA. In the day of Ezekiel, the Scythians of the land of Magog
were a band of barbarous tribes that were no real power. But Ezekiel saw ahead
2500 years until our time when Russia would become one of the world powers that
other countries would follow.
Materials and graphics Copyrighted © 1989-2003, 2003 by James Dale Coldiron
DAYS WAR - THE ANTAGONISTS - LESSON 2Ezekiel 38:1-2 “ 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me,
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of
Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,"
HEBREW LITERAL of Ezekiel 38:2 "Son of man, set your face
against Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal."
3. The King James Version translates the
Hebrew word "ROSH" as "chief". This word literally has two completely different
meanings in Hebrew with the exact same spelling and looks exactly the same. You
know which one is meant by the way the word is used.
The word chief here is never used with a ruler. It is a religious term that is
used usually with priests, e.g. the chief priest, or with families, or with God.
It does not seem to be used with the political connotation of a chief prince
Quoting from THAYER'S Lexicon: "chief = 07218 ro'sh {roshe}
from an unused root apparently meaning to shake; it means the head, top, upper
part, chief, beginning; chief, head priest, or head of family. "
It also equally means Rosh, a land that a man settled = 07220 Ro'sh {roshe} the
same as 07218;
a son of Benjamin. Genesis 46:21 " And the sons of
Benjamin [were] Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, Ehi, and Rosh,
Muppim, and Huppim, and Ard. "
So, if the word Rosh in Hebrew is used with priests and
religion, then it means the chief priest, otherwise it means a place called
Rosh. A better translation of this passage lists it as Rosh, and not chief
prince. It is never used with the word prince anyplace else.
4. Some other translations other than the King James: The Septuagint was a Greek
translation of the Hebrew old testament that was used by the early Jews and the
early Greek speaking church. It renders the passage as... "... Prince of Rosh,
Meshech and Tubal"
Ezekiel 38:2 (NAS) "Son of man, set your face toward Gog
of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy
against him, "
Ezekiel 38:2 (NKJV) "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog,
the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, "
5. Notice that the New King James and the New American Standard both translate
this differently than the King James Version.
The almost certain probability is that Rosh here meant a land, because the
land of Rosh does indeed fall in the same neighborhood as
Magog, Togarmah, Tubal.
6. Where is Rosh today ? The authorities say that
Rosh was the Scythian mountaineers dwelling north of the
Taurus on the shores of the Black Sea and the banks of the Volga... the
Byzantine and Arabian writers wrote of them in the 10th Century.
So, where is this land ? It is the place that was formerly
a Soviet Republic known as the Ukraine. The major Russian fleet is anchored
there in the Azov Sea (Northern part of the Black Sea) at Odessa. When the fleet
goes into the Mediterranean, it sails from the Odessa Naval Base.
According to Adam Clarke's Expositor, "...Scythians who
were descendants of Magog, son of Japheth. Houbigant declares for the Scythians,
whose neighbors were the people of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, that is the
Russians, Muscovites, and Tybareni or Cappadocians. Several eminent critics
espouse this opinion."
I dug this out on a history of the Apostle Andrew, "The
historian, Eusebius, wrote that the went to Scythia, which is in southern
Russia, in the area around the Black Sea. Andrew was known for a long time as
the patron saint of Russia. Early apocryphal writing agree. "
• Possibility #1: Meshech was an unknown Aramaen tribe also spelled "Mash"
according to Genesis 10:23 "And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether,
and Mash."
• ARAM is in modern day Syria and Lebanon
• Possibility #2: Meshech is also a reference to the descendants of Japheth
known as the "Moschoi". Psalm 120:5 places them with Kedar (bedouins or tent
dwellers) of the northern Arabian Desert which is modern Iraq.
Psalm 120:5 " Woe is me, that I sojourn in Meshech, [that]
I dwell in the tents of Kedar!
Ezekiel 27:12-14 "12 Tarshish [was] thy merchant by reason
of the multitude of all [kind of] riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they
traded in thy fairs. 13 Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they [were] thy merchants:
they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market. 14 They of
the house of Togarmah traded in thy fairs with horses and horsemen and mules."
NOTE: Some people try to equate Moschoi with Moscow; that the prophet was
speaking of Moscow and not the tribe the Moschoi or Meshech. Or that their
descendants settled modern Moscow. This is extremely unlikely. Although many
bible teachers have quoted this as pointing toward Moscow,
it is at best very, very vague.
* We are looking at Syria and Lebanon, who will at least
allow troops to use their land to march to Israel. And they will probably add
some forces to this Islamic coalition setting itself against the land of Israel.
This is the waterway that the Russian Navy uses to the Atlantic (along with the
Baltic in the far north) from that giant port of Odessa. They have a treaty
agreement with Turkey to use it for their navy since Istanbul controls this
waterway. This has always been a little weird since Turkey is a NATO country.
Tubal or the land of the Tiberenes... modern Turkey...
rules over Turkey... has power over Turkey.
EZEKIEL 38:3 " And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I
[am] against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: "
1. God himself is against you Gog, the prince of Rosh,
Meshech, and Tubal. God will use this evil man, but judgement will
finally come because God is against him. And these nations that help him God
will judge as well.
Russia will be the focus of this prophecy and the leader
of the nation of Russia.
Think about this, although these countries will be allowed to do what they are
doing by God, and though they are used of God in this last days judgment... at
the same time God is against them. It is as if that God is
using their own greed against them and leading them to their own destruction.
Although God allows them to go for a season, He is against them.
I would rather anyone and everyone be against me than God.
EZEKIEL 38:4 " And I will turn thee back, and put hooks
into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and
horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts [of armour, even] a great company
[with] bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: "
1. Gog's direction will be reversed violently as in the sense of putting hooks
in the jaws of a wild beast and being reversed. One commentator seemed to think
that this suggests that he will fail... I wander if it means that or if it means
that God is pulling Gog's strings and he doesn't know it.
Whichever way that it means; either causing Gog to support the invasion when he
previously did not, or pulling him back after the first invasion out of Israel
can be debated. I have heard some of the most creative preaching done on this
one thing. Frankly, we are not told what it is.
2. God will put something to pull the ruler of Russia back... back in which way
though? Back to Israel or back out of Israel? What do you think? Bringing you
forth is conjunction with what he devises after this in raping the land of
Israel makes me believe that it is God that is forcing him into this war. It is
God that is manipulating him to make him back the Islamic countries attacking.
God will work out His will through Gog even though Gog is not a good man.
3. There is a good description of the Russian (Gog) Army.
You must keep in mind that this is a prophet using language suitable to his
time. But we shall look at it carefully. The most exciting thing is that in
Ezekiel's day, Russia was not a military power. They were loose bands of
marauding raiders with no central army. This prophecy made no sense in Ezekiel's
day (between 590 and 570 B.C.), but it makes perfect sense today.
What is seen here is an Islamic move
against Israel with RUSSIA as their muscle or guard that ignites the world war
seen also in Revelation 6 as the 4 Riders of the Apocalypse. This is an
Islamic Jihad against Israel probably with the United Nation's (considering who
else is assisting their attackers) blessing and Russia being the main force in
it all. Russia has her own motives which becomes obvious as it goes on,
and causes a world war that will end in a nuclear war in the end. More on
this as we go.
Materials and graphics Copyrighted © 1989-2003, 2003 by James Dale Coldiron
EZEKIEL 38:5 “ Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them;
all of them with shield and helmet:”
1. When you read from this verse about the armies that Russia is backing,
you see that their forces are extremely inferior to the ones of Russia.
The Hebrew literally says, "all of them shield and
helmet." Verse seven makes it clear that Russia is behind these
groups as a guard. They are supporting these three main countries.
2. And much like America did Saudi Arabia in Operation Desert Storm (Gulf
War I), Russia will back these Islamic countries on some U.N. sanction that
will turn sour.
Note that the leader of Israel has been speaking of United Nations help in
the holy sites in Jerusalem and in all of Israel. They are torn between the
violence of the Palestinians and the need for peace. The United Nations are
attempting now to intervene.
The violence and bloodshed will eventually bring an
escalation that will cause world intervention. It is coming. Especially if
they do as they wish to now and make Palestinian homes on the hill above
Jewish settlements. When they put rockets overtop of the Israelis and start
shooting at them, what do you think their reaction will be?
At the time of this study, Hamas is testing new hand held missiles in trying
to increase their range. What would happen if they are put in a stone's
throw of Jewish settlements?
The roadmap to peace will eventually lead to a roadmap to another holocaust.
If things escalate, it is potentially reason for the U.N. to get militarily
involved to stabilize the region... and probably in the same way that the
United States and NATO backed up Saudi Arabia in it’s war against Iraq,
Russia will back up it’s puppet 3rd World Islamic states attacking with a
U.N. resolution behind them.
We have gotten the odd notion in America that somehow Russia is now nothing
to be concerned with. But Russia is a mixture of a lot of things that cause
instability. Also, the Islamic tide in Russia is shaking it to its roots.
And the hatred for the west and especially America does not go away with a
change of name. Many blame the west for the monumental rise in crimes in
Russia (many claim our capitalistic influence with giving such power to the
Russian Mafia). They showed their government's intentions in the Gulf War II
when they with France voiced their resistance to America's move into Iraq,
and had some of its own advisors to Iraq get into the crossfire in the
fighting in Iraq. Iraq has put a lot of money into Russia's pocket for arms
and advisors.
The United Nations is pushing international laws that if nations sign them
will give them more and more power to interfere in individual nations’
affairs. Military action from an international force is inevitable. It is
just the question of when.
This move to stabilize the region will undo the region completely. The sheer
amount of warfare involved in this will move the peace keeping Antichrist
into the region to back up his peace treaty with Israel.
The coming "peace maker" of Europe (Antichrist/Beast)
will use this war to bring peace and his absolute control over the region.
It’s not the Antichrist who brings war, he brings peace and then
Look, this is the main offensive force. You have
Islamic countries Libya, Iran, and Ethiopia with Russia as the main force
behind them. Russia is the main power with a much greater force than the
other ones.
3. The imagery in this prophecy would have been insane in Ezekiel’s day, but
it makes perfect sense today. It is odd that only in this generation that we
live in that this prophecy makes any sense.
Only now,
is Russia such a great nation.
Only now, does it make sense for cavalry to have armour so great as to be
described as bucklers... head to foot armour that was impossible for a
horseman to wear.
Only now is armored units as tanks and helicopters cavalry units armored in
such a way.
Only now do these nations have something in common, an Islamic hatred toward
Israel and the need to take the land for the Palestinians, with Russia in
her apparent greed toward Israel’s wealth given them a reason to work
Some have pointed out the United
States’ greed in helping Kuwait and Saudi Arabia against Iraq in the first
Gulf War. But in the same way, Russia’s greed will move her to help Islamic
countries take Palestine from the Israelis.
EZEKIEL 38:6 “ Gomer, and all his bands; the house of
Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: [and] many people with
thee. “
Many people are with you... this suggests others other than his own country.
The prophet mentions these countries, and then separately say that many
people are with you. You shall see that although he might have people from
these countries with him, though that seems to be a separate issue.
He is a shield for Iran, Libya, and Ethiopia. But he
is said to be the prince or have rule over or be captain over these
countries listed here. There is reason to believe that he uses and has rule
or authority to use these countries in this invasion, though it does not
specifically say that they are with him.
But notice after mentioning them, it said that many
people are with you.
This will turn into a world war.
4. Israel has probably the second most powerful military in the world for
its proportional size. Only the United States has a more formidable
military... but when looking at proportions... from its tiny size compared
to the United States, only the United States’ advanced technology and type
and amount of Nuclear weaponry takes us beyond them.
It will truly take a great force of many people to overcome Israel.
Materials and graphics Copyrighted © 1989-2003, 2003 by James Dale Coldiron
EZEKIEL 38:7 “ Be thou prepared, and prepare for
thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou
a guard unto them. “
The Armies That Invade Israel:
1. So, here is a synopsis of the invasion. Actually it will begin with Iran
and Iraq along with Libya and Ethiopia (which is having one of the fastest
Muslim revivals in the world at the moment) will be the main aggressors and
will go into Israel probably with a United Nations mandate of some kind...
probably over the Palestinians.
The Palestinian Liberation Army with others have made some small headway
with actual diplomacy and have managed to make Israel look bad when they
themselves start riots, etc.
Many times they used Hamas and tried to make themselves look innocent. The
hatred that exists between these peoples are so great that no matter how
much diplomacy or killing occurs, it cannot end. The problem is hearts full
of hatred and empty of brotherly love.
Russia will be the power behind them. Russia will
muster their forces which are much mightier than those of the Muslim
countries involved... as seen with the armored cavalry units compared to the
armament of the others.
Much of Russia has turned Islamic since the Iron Curtain fell. Yes, the
Christians have made great strides (especially those in the
Pentecostal/Charismatic ranks), but the Muslims have been eating up southern
Russia, going deep into the former atheistic country.
2. Russia will also have Kazakhstan and Armenia
(former Soviet states who still have ties to Russia) with them in this
military action. The Islamic factor is here as well... both of them being
south of Russia... they have strong Muslim ties.
3. Russia is said to have power over the Ukraine for
that is where the Russian Fleet will sail from into the Black Sea.
And Turkey is probably mentioned because the Russian Navy will pass with
their blessings into the Mediterranean through Istanbul so that they can
carry out a shoreline invasion.
If Syria and Lebanon will help in the invasion is
unclear, but it might be that they like Turkey are called because they will
allow the invasion forces to pass through them to the Israeli border.
Point to Ponder:
This is an exciting prophecy... as it shows the political powers of today
and their connections from a time when these connections or the powers
themselves were not a threat 2600 years ago.
Before the connections between
these countries could have been known, or before the military power of
Russia could be known (add to that how horsemen that heavily armored could
have even moved with that kind of shielding), Ezekiel prophesied it would be
and it is in our time.
Verse 8 shows that it is a last days prophecy... and it is getting ready to
be fulfilled even now.
4. You see, the text says that Russia (Magog and Rosh)
will be a guard unto these other nations much the same way that America was
a guard to Saudi Arabia in the Desert Storm War (1st Gulf War).
Ezekiel 38:8 “ After many days thou shalt be visited:
in the latter years thou shalt come into the land [that is] brought back
from the sword, [and is] gathered out of many people, against the mountains
of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the
nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. “
1. After many days you shall be visited... in other words you will be paid
back and invaded yourself eventually. I believe that this will happen in
part by the United States, but more thoroughly later.
2. In the latter years... this is another way of
saying the last days of the age. Israel has come back and been taken
back by the sword and gathered out of many people. We have watched as Israel
has come to life again out of the ruins of the past.
This ties directly in with eschatological prophecy.
You will find this is the Last Days war of Revelation 6. In fact, in
the study connected with this commentary... this section is a supplement to
the Revelation 6 study.
Revelation 6:1-8 (NAS) “ 1 And I saw when the Lamb
broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures
saying as with a voice of thunder, "Come."
2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow;
and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer.
3 And when He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature
saying, "Come."
4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was
granted to take peace from the earth, and that men should slay one another;
and a great sword was given to him.
5 And when He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature
saying, "Come." And I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on
it had a pair of scales in his hand.
6 And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living creatures
saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a
denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."
7 And when He broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living
creature saying, "Come."
8 And I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the
name Death; and Hades was following with him. And authority was given to
them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with
pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. “
Point to
Ponder: Yasser Arafat has been quoted as saying
in his speeches to the Palestinian Liberation Army that, they would give
Israel the peace of Saladin. Saladin offered Richard the Lion Heart a peace
that he broke after two years. It might be enough to bring the “peace and
safety” feeling to Israel. And although Peace and Safety is what they tried
to negotiate, it has escalated in recent times into unbelievable violence.
But it is only the beginning.
Benjamin Netanyahu , the former prime minister of Israel was quoted as
saying that Israel’s new motto was peace and safety. So, they are gong to
feel like they are dwelling safely. They tried the Peace and Safety talks,
but all they have now is violence and killing.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 “ 2 For yourselves know
perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For
when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon
them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. “
Materials and graphics Copyrighted © 1989-2003, 2003 by James Dale Coldiron
Ezekiel 38:9 “ Thou shalt ascend and come like a
storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy
bands, and many people with thee. “
1. I believe that the wording here got some people excited during Desert
Shield and Storm in the early 1990's. But in the same way, Russia and these
Muslim countries will cover the ground like a black storm cloud with a great
invading army and cover the land.
There is a danger of Russia going completely Islamic making it a state
religion. And many of the republics that are associated with them are
Islamic already. The Islamic fanaticism will fuel the fire of hatred that
will drive these countries to try and destroy and completely control Israel.
Ezekiel 38:10-12 “ 10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It
shall also come to pass, [that] at the same time shall things come into thy
mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: 11 And thou shalt say, I will go
up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest,
that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither
bars nor gates, 12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand
upon the desolate places [that are now] inhabited, and upon the people [that
are] gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that
dwell in the midst of the land. “
1. Back in Ezekiel’s day, all cities had walls. It must have seemed strange
to him of prophesying of a time when cities did not have them. They are
being promised rest right now.
2. During this action which might be a United Nations Action, suddenly the
ruler of Russia will have an evil thought... I will rape this land and take
what I want for us! Suddenly we have left the agenda of helping the Islamic
people to plundering Israel. Russia will decide to take Israel’s wealth for
Add to this that Israel is a very strategic point upon
the Earth. It is between Europe and Asia and Africa. It truly is the navel
of the world. And Russia will desire it, and the land and it’s minerals and
ability to produce crops. Much of Israel’s excess crops is either sold to or
given outright to Russia. Not too long ago, they gave Russia minerals and
crops in order to secure the release of Russian Jews. They desire this
little land flowing with milk and honey.
The Antichrist will force the Russians out... probably
after a confrontation with the United Stated of America (we will discuss
that in a moment). The European Union Army will be peace keeping forces and
force the aggressors out of the half devastated land of Israel.
3. Desolate places which are now inhabited describes quite a bit of Israel
as they are reclaiming the land for habitation.
It is interesting that Ezekiel was looking in a day (modern day) when cities
no longer had walls. The Israelis depend upon other kinds of protection
other than walls. This is a modern day condition.
But although this will be a time when they “think”
that they can dwell safely, they are in error. The time when thy cry peace
and safety will bring their invasion.
Ezekiel 38:13 “ Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of
Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou
come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to
carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great
spoil? “
1. Sheba and Dedan are historically the Saudi
Arabians. It is north and south Saudi Arabia, and Tarshish is the
ancient Phoenician sea port outpost that they had at the straits of
Gibraltar which is on the southern end of Spain.
2. I often wandered why the Arabians would do anything to challenge anyone
for fighting Israel, until Operation Desert Storm when America and to a
lesser degree Canada and Europe and others helped them stand against Hussein
and Iraq. Iraq will be one of the offenders here...
and we will now look at who is meant by Tarshish.
Saudi Arabia has furthered their official connection to the United States,
even though many of her people are anti-American. But in the end, they will
allow us to use their land for our challenge against Russia in Israel.
Imagine if you will, United States Naval forces coming
from the west in the Mediterranean, and United States Air Force planes and
possibly Army Forces coming from the east out of Saudi Arabia bringing the
most effective military force on the planet against Russia and their Islamic
3. Tarshish is an ancient sea port in Spain. The
Phoenicians aren’t around anymore and are not meant. It is unlikely that the
Spanish government would challenge Russia. But let’s look at what is there
now. According to Wesley, “Sheba,
and Dedan... the Arabians, anciently great plunderers; and Tarshish, the
inhabitants of the famous isle of Tartessus, the most noted merchants of the
Tarshish is now called Rota, and is a small town with
not much there at all and an island just offshore which has the largest
United States Naval Base in Europe. Their motto is the gateway to the Med.
Whenever they sail ships into the Mediterranean Sea from the U.S., they
leave this Naval Base... they hold surface ships and submarines there.
is a map of Rota in Spain from their own Internet Web Site:
4. The only thing at Rota is that American Naval base.
Add to that it speaks of the
merchants of Tarshish... a pretty good description of America. Young lions
is a reference to the blood thirstiness... whether in business or in a
description of the power of the country, I don’t know. But of all of these
involved, America is like a young lion. She is the youngest, and very
powerful. The challenge comes from the United States of America.
Other scriptures in prophecy could refer to the U.S., but this is the only
clear cut one that I can find.
We are the only thing that could challenge Russia in their invasion. Also,
we are probably the only ones that Arabia would back in that challenge.
5. This scripture ends a paragraph and a change of mood and direction
follows. It is not given what happens with this challenge in Ezekiel. But if
you understand that it is the same war that you see in Revelation 6, and see
how that escalates in Revelation 8, you will understand all too well what
this, Russia has retreated and the rest of chapter 38 and then chapter 39
speaks of Armageddon and the years of radioactive cleanup that must occur.
These are the players of World War III (although others are sure to be
involved afterward): Russia with Armenia and Kazakhstan... backing up Iran,
Iraq, Libya, and Ethiopia. The navies will leave the Ukraine and pass
through Turkey, and the armies will pass through Syria.
challenge will come from the United States of America’s Navy at Rota (Cadiz)
at the Strait of Gibraltar, and from the United States Air Force out of
Saudi Arabia.
The United States will be launching an attack from naval forces from Rota in
the west, and from Saudi Arabia in the east pinning the enemy forces between
Point to
Ponder: What do you suppose will happen when the United States
challenges Russia, and things get really heavy? Russia is already engaged in
a war. It started as a United Nations Action with the White Rider, but it
eroded into a war (the Red Rider). And it escalated into World War III. Now,
they are fighting a World War, and the United Nations are divided. Probably
different countries are getting involved in one side or another and the war
is growing and escalating far beyond Israel’s borders. Now, the amount of
sheer evil being done to Israel gets the United States involved despite the
United Nations. What does Russia do? They attack the superpower the way that
it has prepared for since the 1950's. The fear of nuclear war is finally
realized. And so, with that we return to Revelation chapter 8. As the first
4 Seals are a World War, so the first 4 Trumpets are when it turns nuclear.
The next
verse starts a new paragraph and a new section. The rest of the
section shows Gog being pulled by God back into the land of Israel. In verse
13, he is already in the land of Israel raping it... but in verse
14, this rider on the white horse with a bow in his hand is back outside
Israel being pulled back in for the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the
Tribulation’s seven years.
Question: what
events make him leave the land of Israel so that it is necessary to be
pulled back into the land of Israel to be destroyed at the Day of the Lord?
This war is seen up to verse 12 in Revelation 6 under the 4 riders of the
Apocalypse. It is this author’s opinion that verse 13 and what follows and
the answer to this question as to what drives him out is seen in Revelation
8 where the American conflict with Russia becomes nuclear.
The United States have shown
ourselves in action against some very fine armies armed with”Russian”
technology and weapons with even Russian advisors that the forces and
weaponry and technology and training of the United States is far superior
than the Russians.
What will happen when the superior forces of the United States is set
against Russia who is already involved in a very extreme world war? There
will reach a point where the only option is to use nuclear weapons.
note made on September 10, 2004:
In my studies of the 6th and
7th Seals in Revelation 6 and 8, I have come across something that I had
never quite considered. The 6th Seal speaks of the underground
shelters that our government has around our country hidden and about a
coming strike on the planet from a celestial object. This is probably
a large meteor in the midst of a comet trail. The idea that a comet
striking the Earth is also a possibility. I think that there will be
two strikes. You see one in the beginning of the 6th Seal with the
great crashing earthquake that moves every mountain and island... this
requires the Earth being struck by something massive. This is probably
a land strike. In Revelation 8, you see a nuclear war and retaliation
and a nuclear winter. You see "wormwood" (in the Ukranian language,
Chernobyl means wormwood) being obviously radioactive fallout poisoning the
waters... the star that falls to earth. I think this is the
retaliation that will cripple Russia... they will be around at the end of
the Tribulation though. 1/3 of the Earth is burned down in the first
half of the tribulation around the time of the 6th Seal (the 1st Trumpet
which is the beginning of the 7th Seal).
But that burning mountain
that hit the sea that poisons 1/3 of the life in the sea and destroys 1/3 of
the navies... I always thought that this sounds more like a natural
phenomena as many have said all along... a meteor or comet hitting the
ocean. I think that Russia will use this natural event hitting us and
devastating America during this world war in the middle east to launch an
all out nuclear attack against America. I think that the
celestial natural disaster will be finalized by nuclear annihilation by
Russia although there is significant destruction poured out on them as well.
I think that the idea of Revelation 8 being both natural and nuclear fits
better in what it just plainly says. I think you see a mixture here
happening all in one day. The events of the 6th Seal is probably
happening at the same time or at least around the same day. This will
be a terrible time. No wonder it is the only recorded silence in
Heaven (space of 30 minutes for what is about to occur).
Copyright © 1989-2000, 2003 by
James Dale Coldiron
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